Choreography and direction _ Sarah Bronsard
Electroacoustic Composition _ Jonathan Parant
Robotic art _ Simon Laroche
Light design _ Paul Chambers
25 minutes

Four kilograms is the weight of dead skin that a human loses on average every year, a metaphor for everything we lose, imperceptibly, to transform. Ce qui émerge après (4kg) is an extension of the piece 4kg, a choreographic work created in 2012 which focused on the inevitable time for the maturation of things, through an encounter between flamenco and contemporary dance, electroacoustic composition, flamenco musicians, and robotics. In 2013, the choreographer becomes a mother: an anchoring for expanding vision and a new presence came into the world, awakening desires for a wider space, for fluidity, and clarity. Ce qui émerge après (4kg) shows the emergence of an existence, of an exchange, of a landscape, of an ecosystem — and we are simply there, observing what takes shape.
September 8th _Sala Rossa for the Festival Flamenco Montreal
Dance Roads Tour:
June 5th and 6th _ presented by Music Sacrum Schouwburg Arnhem at the Thaterwerkplaats Generale Oost (Arnhem, Holland)
May 30th and 31st _ presented by Associazione Culturale Mosaico Danza at the Fonderie Teatrali Limone for the Festival Interplay (Turin, Italy)
May 22nd and 23rd _ presented by Coreo Cymru at the Chapter Arts Center (Cardiff, Wales)
May 15th, 16th and 17th _ presented at the Glob Théâtre (Bordeaux, France)
May 8th, 9th and 10th _ presented by Tangente at Monument National (Montreal, Canada)
Canada Council for the Arts _ Touring support 2014
Maison de la culture de Pointe-aux-Trembles _ Creation residency 2014
Tangente _ Presenter 2014
Glob Théâtre (France), Mosaico Danza (Italie), Coreo Cymru (Pays-de-Galles), Music Sacrum Schouwburg Arnhem (Pays-Bas) _ Presenters and touring organizers, Dance Roads 2014
Chapter Arts Center _ Creation residency 2013
Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (CALQ) _ Travel grant 2013
